Our Services.
Boca Doce Trading acts as intermediate between growers and importers of fruit, facilitating the communication with a personalized and direct relation.We offer our customers fresh fruits, of the best quality, all year round and with the correct specifications in accordance with the health standards of the European market.
All our growers have Global Gap and work according to the MRL EU regulations.
Focus on customer needs
Our biggest differentiator of success is our focus on customer needs. We speak the language of the customer and the supplier, provide the best service and react quickly to the market and to the obstacles that appear along the way.
Everyone wins
Located in Holland, the soul of trade and distribution in Europe, we take our strengths and our network to offer our customers and suppliers ‘a win-win situation’ where everyone wins with new opportunities for buying and selling fruit.
Global trading
We trade with Brazil, Israel, Vietnam, Argentina and other countries to ensure our costumers reach the direct work with growers in the global market.

For Suppliers
Boca Doce Trading provides Consultancy to suppliers, offering a complete package of services such as
- Finding strong and reliable buyers in Europe (avoiding conflict of interest in the market)
- Managing the commercial operation from beginning until end
- Solving operational problems
- Following closely all the steps in order to make the business a long lasting and profitable relationship for all parties involved
- Accompanying growers on business trips, translating the meetings and introducing them to potential new clients
For Buyers
Boca Doce Trading provides Consultancy to buyers, offering a complete range of services such as:
- Finding the suitable grower according to client’s needs
- Information about products and all relevant specifications
- Logistic arrangements
- Certifications to the European market
- Following closely all the steps in order to make the business a long lasting and profitable relationship for all parties involved
- Accompanying importers on visits to growers, translating the meetings and improving the co-operation